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Ti..ii..iime is on My Side, Yes it is!


Y'all know I love music and it's just too fun to not bring it into these blog posts. Have y'all ever heard this song? It's called Time by the Rolling Stones. If you've never listened to it, you should. It's the Rolling Stones, y'all.'s time to turn back the clocks an hour on November 6th this year. Are y'all ready? If you've read any of my past blogs on Daylight Saving Time, you'll know that I'm not a fan. I don't see the need anymore. I'm excited about the Sunshine Protection Act and hope it goes through.

So first, let's look at a cute fall picture of my kids....because it's the only one I've been able to get so far. I figure that since my audience is a bunch of moms, you'll understand my need to share ;).

Ok! Ok! Now I'll talk about what you came here to read about, which is Time Change.

It's time for the clocks to "fall back" 1 hour and sometimes this can make sleep wonky. We don't want to be wonky, right?

Now is the time to decide if you are the type of parent who wants to jump right in the night before or slowly transition your kids to the time change. Either way works fine, so please just choose what will work best for you and your family.

Here are instructions for both:

In our house, we don't have a set bedtime. Our kids go to bed between 6:30-7:30 pm and the time depends on if they napped that day and other factors. So, for us, I tend to jump right in, but push bedtime back to 8pm(ish) on Saturday night and go from there.

Time change isn't scary. It takes us all a little while to adjust, but it's doable. Plus, nothing ever is truly predictable when you have little ones, is it?!

Also, sick season is upon us. Ugh. Coughs, snot, & colds are everywhere. You're unlikely to avoid it and I figured I would share a few of my favorite items to help ward things off, or at least keep them at bay.

*Note that I'm an Amazon affiliate so must disclose that I can earn from your purchases.

A good (& simple) humidifier is a must because it keeps the air most and is gentle on those little air passageways. I personally love this one. Levoit Humidifer

For babies that can't blow their noses yet, these Nose Frida things are a must. Seriously. You do want to make sure you change the filters in it often so make sure you get this one that has extras.

Oh, and make sure you have some nasal saline spray to loosen things up before you use the "sucker" ;)

One of my all time time favorite tricks is to put vapor rub on the bottom of their feet (adults can do this too!) and then make sure they are wearing socks or footie pjs over it while they sleep. It's a game changer to help control nighttime coughing. *if you prefer petroleum free then check this one out (it's works really well too).

Remember that SLEEP is the best medicine. So, make sure you and your kids are staying rested & well.

If you aren't sleeping at your house, let me help you!

Click the button below to check out my services and get started.

Sending you all best wishes for a Happy Halloween, an easy time change, and healthy households.




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