It's time to Fall Back into another time change.
It's also way past time for me to write another blog.
If you've read any of my other blogs, I appreciate you coming back for more...even though it's been quite a while since I've checked in and given you some new material.
My only excuse is #3yearolds and #triplets. No really, they aren't my only excuse, it's really just good old motherhood and life. I know you get it. I see you and I appreciate you. Truly.

I'm not the biggest fan of time change. I tend to think it's silly. I do love fall though! It's one of my favorite seasons. The cool crisp air and warm colors make me happy.
There is something about the changing of seasons that just makes me feel excited and content at the same time. I mean, who doesn't love pictures like this one?
It makes me want to go to that very place and embark on a long walk alone, breathing in the fresh air and basking in the silence of nature.
Alas, that will have to wait. I'll get in that solo hike soon. For now, I've come back to reality to talk about time change for all of us mamas out here. It's just part of it, right?
So here goes. Let's talk about the end of Daylight Savings 2021 which is Sunday, November 7th @ 2am.
First, don't let it worry you. No matter if you prepare or don't prepare, it will all be fine. Motherhood is never smooth. Y'all know this. It's just part of it. We, as humans, are constantly growing and changing, so there will always be hiccups and bumps along the way. It's just how it works. It reminds me of one of my favorite songs by one of my all time favorite musicians, John Prine. I've listened to his music with friends and family as long as I can remember. He wrote a song called "That's the Way the World Goes Round"... and it's one of the greatest. The chorus goes like this:
That's the way that the world goes 'round
You're up one day, the next you're down
It's half an inch of water and you think you're gonna drown
That's the way that the world goes 'round
It's true. Time change, teething, sickness, surgery, new baby, moving to a new house/town, all of's just the way that the world goes 'round. Things change, and we just have to embrace it.
So, there are 2 camps when it comes to handling the time change:
Camp Baby Steps (for a few days)
Camp Stand Up & Walk Right in (to Monday)
For the baby steppers, try this approach:
Move bedtime back by 15 minutes each night for 4 days until you reach Sunday. If you forget to do this 4 days ahead, just divide 60 minutes by the number of days you have before time change. Let's say you're on a 7am-7pm schedule. Then it would look something like this:
Wednesday 7:15pm
Thursday 7:30pm
Friday 7:45pm
Saturday 8:00 pm
Sunday Ta-da!
For the Stand-Up-&-Walk-right-inners:
Do nothing. Yep. Just jump into a new rhythm the next day. Plus, you will have gotten another hour of sleep, right?!
In our house, we don't have set bedtimes. Currently, we shoot for between 6:30-7:30pm depending on naps and how the day is going overall. So, for Saturday night, we might shoot for closer to 7:45ish and then handle Sunday as we would any other day. If we don't take naps on Saturday or something gets crazy, we may do a little earlier of a bedtime and still keep going the next day per usual.
No matter which camp you're in and/or try this year, it will take a day or few to really get in the swing of things. That's the way that the world goes 'round.
As always, remember:
Consistency is key. Kids love it and thrive off of it. So, keeping daytime & bedtime routines the same will help so much.
Kids will adjust, but this season of holiday fun and traveling can deplete those sleep tanks. So watch the clock, but also watch the child. Let them sleep if they are sleepy, but also let them stay up late and enjoy some holiday fun! They will adjust if you help them by implementing an earlier bedtime every few days or after a really late night.
Don't stress yourself out. Get yourself some sleep too! Allow others to help. Let dad or grandma take the monitor or night shift every now and then. If you need my help, and some personalized direction, I'm here and would be honored to help you.
You've got this! We've got this! Now, get out there and enjoy the season. Happy Fall, y'all.

With lots of love,
Abbey Love